Luxury Furniture, John Deere Diecast, Equestrian Tack
Name YOUR price for luxury furniture, John Deere and other name brand Diecast collectibles, equestrian tack, antiques and more!
Preston Hill Furniture
Pulaski Furniture
Haverty's Furniture
Jonathan Louis Sectional
Patio Tables with chairs and umbrellas
Antique Lampograph
19th Century Spinning Wheel
Viking Professional Undercounter Wine Cooler
Name brand western and english equestrian saddles
Equestrian tack including winter blankets, fly blankets, bits, girths and more!
John Deere, Oliver, Farmall and More Ciecast Collectibles
Edison Cylinder Phonograph
Bidding Begins to Close: Tuesday, April 7th - 11:00am
Preview: Monday, April 6th from 2 to 5pm
Load Out: Wednesday, April 8th from 1-5pm and Thursday, April 9th from 9-12pm